Our services

Auto Services

Towing Service for Your Car
In case of an accident, our towing service is available 24 hours a day to safely transport your vehicle to our workshops or to your preferred location.
Auto Repair/Body Shop Service
We have workshops equipped with state-of-the-art technology and highly qualified personnel to carry out all types of repairs and bodywork on your vehicle, ensuring a flawless result.
Rental Car
While your car is being repaired, we offer you the option of renting a vehicle so you can continue with your daily activities without inconvenience.might have.

Health services

Chiropractic Service
After an accident, it is common to experience pain and tension. Our team of chiropractors is here to help you relieve pain and improve your mobility.
Neurosurgeon Consultation
For more complex cases requiring specialized attention, we offer consultations with experienced neurosurgeons who can evaluate and treat neurological injuries.
Orthopedic Surgery
If you need orthopedic surgical intervention, we have highly trained surgeons who can perform a variety of procedures to repair damaged bones and joints.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
We have state-of-the-art MRI equipment to perform precise and detailed diagnostics of your injuries.
Computed Tomography
Our CT scan technology allows us to obtain detailed images of your body, helping our doctors to effectively identify and treat your injuries.
We offer X-ray services to quickly and accurately diagnose fractures and other bone injuries.
Our medical team can prescribe and provide the necessary medication to relieve pain and treat your injuries, ensuring a more comfortable recovery.
Pain Management
We understand that chronic pain can be a challenging consequence of car accidents. Our pain management service is designed to offer personalized treatments to help you control and reduce pain, thus improving your quality of life.

Legal information

We understand that an accident can have legal implications. Therefore, we offer legal advice to help you understand your rights and options and to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve..